Frequently asked questions

How to checkout

To finalise your purchase and checkout, click on the shopping cart symbol top right, then the Checkout button. Just hit ‘Shop Now' to return to the Shop and select other items or another school.

How secure is my credit card ?

We do not store or handle any credit card information. Your private credit card information is processed by international company Stripe, who facilitate payments without retaining any personal information. We also offer Paypal as another secure payment option.

Delivery options

We offer free delivery for over $50 orders to homes on the Surf Coast (Ocean Grove to Lorne) or within 10km of the shop. We can deliver to your home or your school (where permitted), or you can pick up in the store. We aim to deliver within 2-4 days of your order being fulfilled, and in store pick up can be arranged for the same day. Select the ‘in store’ option to come in and collect your order, or the ‘school pick up’ option, (add the name of your school the delivery address), and we will deliver to the school if permitted. The system will always ask for your home address for billing records.

Items not unique to each school

Some unbadged items are common across multiple schools. If the item you need is not appearing under your specific school check in theGeneric items category.

If you cannot find an item you need send us a note via our ‘contact us form’ or email us at and we can source what you are looking for.